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Beware of Fraud! Kartik Aaryan Fan Meet-Up Scam Demands Rs 82 Lakh

The fascination with celebrities and the culture of fandom continues to grow, with fans going to great lengths to express their love and admiration for their favorite stars. However, sometimes this love can lead to dangerous situations. Recently, a fan of Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan fell victim to a scam and lost a significant amount of money.According to a report by the Times of India, a woman named Aishwarya from Goregaon, Mumbai, was tricked out of Rs 82.75 lakhs (approximately $112,000) by a fraudster named Krishna Sharma in 2022.

Sharma, who has a history of similar fraud cases, promised Aishwarya that he would arrange a meeting with Kartik Aaryan if she invested in his supposed movie, “Love in London.” Aishwarya made the investments in installments, believing that the money was needed for production costs. However, Sharma never arranged the meeting and disappeared when Aishwarya started demanding her money back. The Amboli police apprehended Krishna Sharma, and a special police team was assigned to the case. During their investigation, a crime branch team in Bengaluru took Krishna into custody, along with three of his associates. Sharma is currently being held in custody by the courts.It is unclear whether Kartik Aaryan or his team members were aware of the scam. Kartik is currently awaiting the release of his film “Chandu Champion” and will also be returning to the “Bhool Bhulaiya” franchise.

The incident involving the scam highlights the power and influence that celebrities hold over their fans. Fandom can sometimes take a dark turn when individuals exploit the love and admiration of fans for personal gain. This is not an isolated incident, as there have been other cases where fans have been taken advantage of or have engaged in extreme behavior in their pursuit of meeting or interacting with their favorite stars.The concept of fandom itself is a complex phenomenon. It can be seen as a celebration of excess, as fans go to great lengths to express their devotion to celebrities. Bollywood, with its extravagant nature, provides the perfect platform for this celebration. However, this excess can sometimes lead to negative consequences, such as stalking or obsession

Ziya Khan


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